The Duke of York’s Royal Military School showcased an electrifying performance of “High School Musical” for its annual senior production, featuring exceptional talent from its students affectionately known as ‘Dukies’. The three-night extravaganza concluded on Thursday, February 8th, leaving audiences spellbound by unforgettable performances.
Starring Daniel Onyeator as Troy Bolton, Sasha Musicha as Gabriella Montez and Shyan Ogunjimi-Dyer as Sharpay, the production brought the characters to life with remarkable authenticity and flair. From captivating solo performances to dazzling ensembles, each cast member delivered a stellar performance that truly captured the essence of the iconic musical.
Backing the talented cast was a student and teacher live band, featuring outstanding musicians Dara Boyejo, George Overy, Connor Earle-Mitchell, Nathan Gazi, Marci Elliot, Kitty Coleman, and Zizzy Achiri. Their musical prowess added depth and energy to the production, enhancing the overall experience for the audience.
The performances took place in the school’s state-of-the-art performing arts centre, Nye Hall, providing an immersive setting for the audience to enjoy the show. Refreshments were made available by the Parents & Friends of the School, adding to the delightful experience for all attendees.
With over 450 seats filled each night, attendees included students, staff, parents, local drama associations and primary schools, as well as members of the local community. The production of “High School Musical” was met with overwhelming enthusiasm and acclaim from the school community and beyond.
“We are incredibly proud of our students for their outstanding performances in ‘High School Musical,'” said Principal, Alex Foreman. “Their passion, dedication, and talent have shone brightly on stage, delighting audiences and leaving a lasting impression. This production truly exemplifies our Dukie values of courage and commitment. Our student’s creativity and excellence define our school community.”
For more information about upcoming events and performances at the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, please visit