Dauntsey’s Drama Students Inspired by Black Lives Matter

Posted: 23rd November 2021

The show focused on a number of themes, including microaggression, the removal of the Coulston statue in Bristol and Black British History. Sets and props were of the bare minimum, projected words and images were used instead, as the focus of the performance was the sentiment, the meaning and the message.

Chris Walker, Director of Drama, Dauntsey’s, said:

“Congratulations to the students for putting together such a moving and powerful production. Like many others, they were inspired to take some action following the death of George Floyd, and Perspective is the perfect illustration of the way in which drama can form a highly relevant response to real world events.

“The response from the audience was hugely positive: rather than sitting back and relaxing, they were led to think, to consider and to confront the very important issue of racism.”

For further information about Dauntsey’s School and its Drama programme, please go to www.dauntseys.org or follow us on Twitter at Drama at Dauntsey’s@DramatDauntseys


Categories: BSA News