Each day started by exploring a particular food group; herbs and cheeses and fruits. Going on a journey of discovery finding out where food comes from and how best to harvest or forage for it. The young cooks then went on to rustle up a range of wonderful culinary delights including wild garlic pesto, chilli-spiced butternut squash soup with toasted seeds, and bread alongside delicious desserts like Eton mess.
The course was taken by Kate Chantry from the school who said:
‘Having trained as a cordon bleu chef, cooking has always been my passion. However, the education around food, its provenance (how, where and when it grows or is farmed), is something I wanted to educate and share with the young cooks of today … plus having lots of fun in the process!’
The course was so well received that we will be running more for both pupils and one for parents in the future as well.