Girls from St Mary’s Shaftesbury girls were joined by represenatives from their sister school St Mary’s Cambridge when they hosted a leadership conference run by Jo Cruse from a company called The Unreasonables. The Unreasonables are dedicated to creating cultures of leadership across the UK’s most ambitious schools through the delivery of inspirational programmes. During the conference, the girls explored the meanings of leadership, evaluating where we were as leaders today as well as what they can do in the future to reach their full potential. The day was based on broadening the concept of the term ‘leader’ and developing an understanding that there are leadership skills which can be brought to bear on all sorts of careers and aspects of life. ‘Fear of failure is just fear,’ explained Jo, ‘not failure itself. The work I did with the girls is designed to help them see they can use the tools of leadership in all parts of their lives and they should embrace opportunities as chances to learn, as well as chances to succeed.’ St Mary’s Shaftesbury is extremely proud of its philosophy of leadership and the school’s determination to bring the Mighty Girl ethos to all its pupils. The event was a great experience for pupils in collaborative working, with an emphasis on building networks of leading women through the Mary Ward schools.