King’s Ely pupil witnesses historic Brexit judgement in the Supreme Court

Posted: 21st February 2017

King’s Ely sixth-form pupil Tom Oldham was able to witness an historic judgement in the Supreme Court thanks to an exciting work experience placement. Tom recently spent a week in Parliament on a placement with Chris Heaton-Harris, who has been the Conservative MP for Daventry since 2010, and was previously a Member of the European Parliament for the East Midlands from 1999 to 2009. Tom, who hopes to become an MP himself, said: ‘It was a really interesting week in Parliament with the Supreme Court Brexit judgement. Before going to Parliament on the Tuesday I managed to get into the Supreme Court for the live judgement and it was great to be there on such an historic occasion. I then saw the Brexit Statement in the House of Commons before doing some work in the office. In the afternoon I sat in on an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) meeting on Russia with the UK’s Ambassador to Russia. During the rest of the week, I was also lucky enough to see Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and ex-PM and current UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown give evidence to Select Committees as well as seeing debates in the Commons and the Lords.’ Tom is studying A Levels in Geography, History and Politics at King’s Ely and hopes to study Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading.

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